MacOS Terminal Font
Using a custom MacOS terminal font can help improve readability in the terminal. After posting my MacOS Terminal Theme blogpost I got questions about that font that is used in the screenshots. I am using the Source Code Pro font…
Everything Tech
Everything Tech
Using a custom MacOS terminal font can help improve readability in the terminal. After posting my MacOS Terminal Theme blogpost I got questions about that font that is used in the screenshots. I am using the Source Code Pro font…
Introduction Ensuring your mail server’s SSL/TLS certificates are properly installed and verified is crucial for secure email communication. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you verify these certificates using OpenSSL. Verify IMAP via SSL using port 993 2. Check the…
Introduction to VMware ESXi As you should know right know having backups of your system is a critial part of protecting your data. Although VMware ESXi host don’t contain data themselve it still is a good practice to backup your…
Introduction PowerCLI is a command-line interface for managing and automating all aspects of vSphere management, including networking, storage, VMs, guest OS, and more.PowerCLI functions as a collection of PowerShell modules that contain more than 700 cmdlets (commands) to manage VMware…
Introduction Securing your SSH configurations across multiple servers can be efficiently managed using Ansible. In this guide, we will walk you through a comprehensive Ansible playbook designed to harden SSH configurations, ensuring your servers are protected against common vulnerabilities. Why…