Introduction to Authentik

Authentik Self hosted is a great way to keep your data secure. As Authentik Security Inc’s CTO Jens Langhammer points out, SaaS apps conceal being hacked, so self-hosting is a better option. The rise of SaaS software has led to a misalignment of incentives between SaaS vendors and customers. Vendors have a strong incentive to ignore or even suppress bad news so as to safeguard their relationships with current and future customers. As honest and as well-intentioned as a vendor might be, that incentive misalignment is still there. This tension exposes the leading edge of an emerging trend and potentially major shift: Companies are reconsidering the value of self-hosting their software so as to have greater control over security and cost.

Authentik Self hosted is an open-source Identity Provider focused on flexibility and versatility . It is an excellent option for those who want to keep their data secure and have greater control over their software. Authentik Self hosted is an SSO provider focused on ease of use . It is a great option for those who want to configure with either AD FS or Keycloack . Authentik Self hosted is a great way to keep your data secure and have greater control over your software.

Stay tuned for more information about Authentik!

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